Ground Zero for Ground Parrots

Ground Parrot (C) Chris Grounds

Ground Parrot (C) Chris Grounds

Jervis Bay KBA is globally recognised for its Eastern Bristlebird population and is home to the NSW vulnerable Eastern Ground Parrot. It also is a major tourist attraction in the Shoalhaven. Despite the area’s global importance, Shoalhaven council had earmarked two sites within the KBA located on Jerrinja Local Aboriginal Lands Council and the National Parks and Wildlife Service for overflow tourist car parks. A coalition of conservation groups spearheaded by the Heritage Estate Network (HEST) and including and BirdLife Shoalhaven was not going to let the enjoyment of nature get in the way of nature itself. Their submission presented a clear, community conservation position and sound and scientific information. The council identified that the decision to investigate these sites as car park locations was taken in a vacuum created by a failure to report appropriate detail to councillors. As a result, council unanimously rejected the plans to build the overflow car parks at these sites. A great outcome for nature and tourists.

If you would like to know more about this successful campaign please contact Chris Grounds from HEST and Conservation officer for BirdLife Shoalhaven or Jervis Bay KBA Guardian Karen Davis

Golo Maurer