The 25 sqkm ‘Barron River Tributaries’ KBA is home to the entire population of the Critically Endangered Kuranda Treefrog, the KBA Trigger species for this KBA under Criterion A1a). Photo (c) Rhys Sherry
Key Biodiversity Areas have to meet one or more of five scientific criteria outlined in ‘A global standard for the identification of Key Biodiversity Areas’ by the IUCN. Most commonly, KBAs are declared under Criterion A1 which means they are ‘triggered’ by a species on the IUCN Red List. For instance, if 0.5% of the population of a globally endangered species is found in an area, it could qualify as a KBA. If you know of an area that my qualify, please contact the secretary of Australia’s National Coordination Group on to put forward a KBA nomination.